
Invited Speaker: MIT Workshop on Interactive Model-Centric Systems Engineering, January 20, 2015.

Panel Host and Moderator: Research on Enterprise Systems of Systems as Complex Systems, Complex Adaptive Systems Conference, November, 2013.

Collaborative Requirements Engineering for Smart Manufacturing System Verification and Validation, NASA IV&V Workshop, August, 2013.

System of Systems Engineering Collaborators Information Exchange - gave a Webinar on FAA work - more about Bayesian Nets (see http://tinyurl.com/d2nvj2t ).

Presented FAA work on Bayesian Network research to Army Engineer Research and Development Center.

Presented FAA work on apply Bayesian Networks to Systems of Systems Engineering at NDIA Systems Engineering Conference.

Accepted the National FAA Design Competition for Universities with the team on behalf of Stevens and friend and colleague Eirik Hole [http://tinyurl.com/6tfrzfj].

Which Way Up - Growth in a Changed Economy?, MIT Enterprise Forum of South Florida .

Webinar: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) - System-Level Modeling of Customer-Needed Capabilities.

Webinar: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) - Leveraging System-Level Models.

Webinar: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) - Modeling Tool Survey.

Webinar: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) - Tool Chains for Simulink.

Webinar: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) Modeling Adoption Practices.

Webinar: Integrated Engineering through Models.

Webinar: Advanced Computing Architecture Trends.

Webinar: What's Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Why Should I Care?

Webinar: How does Model Driven Engineering (MDE) Impact My Process?

Webinar: What's Happening with Model Driven Engineering (MDE) Tools?

Webinar: What's Next to Come with Model Driven Engineering (MDE)?

Webinar: Framework for Quantifying Vertical and Horizontal Derived Requirements.

CEO Roundtable View from the Hot Seat in a Cool Economy CEO Insights for Weathering the Economic Storm, MIT Enterprise Forum of South Florida.